Transition science finds it's way in many domains of society
Two well visited conference days at the steam ship Rotterdam have shown that the body of thought of KSI (Knowledge Network for System Innovations and transitions) is alive and kicking. Former minister mrs. Jacqueline Cramer and Dutch most famous networker Herman Wijffels didn't leave any doubt in their introductions: the transitions towards a sustainable society and a green economy will take the necessary steps, but there is no way back. Although cutting back the national budget deficit is the main issue in the current political campaign for the Dutch parliament.
The great number of visitors of the two conference days on Thursday the third of june and Friday the fourth of june showed that transition science is becoming more and more an international movement en finds it's way in many domains of society. At it's last great conference KSI presented the results of a six year research programme in which nearly hundred scientists of Dutch university's and institutes participated. This led to dozens of theoretical projects and practical experiments with transitions. Among others the theoretical heritage of KSI can be found in the book series Sustainability Transitions, which is published by Routledge. The outcome of the first volume of the series recently took place.
On Friday two new KSI books were presented. In Verbreden, verdiepen, opschalen; KSI tussen wetenschap en praktijk author Diederik van der Hoeven sheds light on the six year history of the knowledge network. In the Transitieagenda voor Nederland, Jan Rotmans, one of the three scientific directors of KSI, makes clear what is necessary to reach a sustainable society. Both books can be ordered free of charge through drift@fsw.eur.nl. A novelty was the common project KSI and two students of the Rockacademy at Tilburg, Ivo Schot and Bas Trippe. The composed ‘Transition', a song where rock meets science.
download here the KSI transition agenda
Listen to the transition song below:
Transitions to Sustainable Development
This recent study, published by Routledge, presents and combines three perspectives on transitions to a sustainable society: complexity theory, inn
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