14.07.2010, Gert Spaargaren

'There is no simple transition from a bad to a good system'

‘It is interesting to try and see whether in agriculture we may link up economics and sustainability with a set of new rules for consumers and producers. There is a cluster of criteria that all revolve around sustainability, such as climate, energy, pesticides, and animal well-being. Which of these criteria will be guiding is still unsure. There are no simple solutions. Nor is there a simple transition that leads one from a bad to a good system. However, the transition narrative provides an effective framework within which all the various aspects pertaining to sustainability can be addressed.'



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This site is founded and managed by the KSI foundation in the Netherlands. It aims at a continuing discussion on topics addressed in the Routledge Sustainability Transitions book series. Discussions begin with blogs by editors & authors. Webeditor is Johan Schot. Guest bloggers are welcome. Contact us! read more>
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Transitions to Sustainable Development

by John Grin, Jan Rotmans, Johan Schot, in collaboration with Frank Geels and Derk Loorbach

This recent study, published by Routledge, presents and combines three perspectives on transitions to a sustainable society: complexity theory, inn

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